Concise Minutes - Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee

Meeting Venue:

Video Conference via Zoom

Meeting date: Monday, 14 March 2022

Meeting time: 13.30 - 15.55
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:






Members of the Senedd:

Huw Irranca-Davies MS (Chair)

Rhys ab Owen MS

Alun Davies MS

Peter Fox MS


Committee Staff:

P Gareth Williams (Clerk)

Gerallt Roberts (Second Clerk)

Sarah Sargent (Second Clerk)

Claire Fiddes (Deputy Clerk)

Gareth Howells (Legal Adviser)



1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

There were no apologies or substitutions.



2       Scrutiny session with the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution

The Committee received evidence from the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution in relation to the outcome of the Intergovernmental Relations Review and the Welsh Government’s approach to legislating.



3       Instruments that raise no reporting issues under Standing Order 21.2 or 21.3



3.1   SL(6)164 - The Relaxation of School Reporting Requirements (Wales) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2022

The Committee considered the instrument and was content.



3.2   SL(6)166 - The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (Additional Authority) (Wales) Order 2022

The Committee considered the instrument and was content.



3.3   SL(6)168 - The Corporate Joint Committees (General) (Wales) Regulations 2022

The Committee considered the instrument and was content.



4       Instruments that raise issues to be reported to the Senedd under Standing Order 21.2 or 21.3



4.1   SL(6)163 - The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 6) Regulations 2022

The Committee considered the instrument and agreed to report to the Senedd in line with the reporting points identified.



4.2   SL(6)167 - The Council Tax (Long-term Empty Dwellings and Dwellings Occupied Periodically) (Wales) Regulations 2022

The Committee considered the instrument and Welsh Government response and agreed to report to the Senedd in line with the reporting points identified.



5       Instruments that raises no reporting issues under Standing Order 21.7



5.1   SL(6)165 - The Security and Emergency Measures (Water and Sewerage Undertakers and Water Supply Licensees) Direction 2022

The Committee considered the instrument and was content.



6       Instruments that raise issues to be reported to the Senedd under Standing Order 21.2 or 21.3 - Previously considered



6.1   SL(6)126 - The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Public Health Information to Travellers) (Wales) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2022

The Committee considered and noted the response from the Welsh Government.



6.2   SL(6)157 - The Food (Withdrawal of Recognition) (Miscellaneous Amendments and Transitional Provisions) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2022

The Committee considered and noted the response from the Welsh Government.



7       Common frameworks



7.1   Correspondence from the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing to the Health and Social Care Committee: Provisional food compositional standards and labelling common framework

The Committee noted the correspondence from the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing to the Health and Social Care Committee.



7.2   Correspondence from the House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Agricultural Support framework

The Committee noted the correspondence from the House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.



8       Inter-Institutional Relations Agreement



8.1   Correspondence from the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd: The Ivory Prohibitions (Civil Sanctions) Regulations 2022 and The Ivory Act 2018 (Commencement No. 2 and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2022

The Committee noted the correspondence from the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd.



8.2   Correspondence from the Minister for Climate Change: Interministerial Group on Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change

The Committee noted the correspondence from the Minister for Climate Change.



8.3   Written Statement by the Minister for Economy: Meeting of the UK-EU Relations Interministerial Group

The Committee noted the Written Statement by the Minister for Economy.



8.4   Correspondence from the First Minister: Trade and Cooperation Agreement

The Committee noted the correspondence from the First Minister.



8.5   Correspondence from the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Finance Inter-ministerial Standing Committee

The Committee noted the correspondence from the Minister for Finance and Local Government.



9       Papers to note



9.1   Correspondence from the Minister for Health and Social Services to the Health and Social Care Committee: Supplementary Legislative Consent Memoranda (Memoranda No. 2 and No. 3) on the Health and Care Bill

The Committee noted the correspondence from the Minister for Health and Social Services to the Health and Social Care Committee.



9.2   Correspondence from the Minister for Education and Welsh Language: Supplementary Legislative Consent Memorandum (Memorandum No. 3) on the Professional Qualifications Bill

The Committee noted the correspondence from the Minister for Education and Welsh Language.



9.3   Written Statement by the Minister for Social Justice and the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Welsh Government Response to UK Government Consultation

The Committee noted the Written Statement by the Minister for Social Justice and the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution.



9.4   Correspondence from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy: Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Subsidy Control Bill

The Committee noted the correspondence from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.



9.5   Written Statement by the Minister for Economy: Update on Border Control Posts

The Committee noted the Written Statement by the Minister for Economy.



9.6   Correspondence from the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Welsh Tax Acts etc. (Power to Modify) Bill

The Committee noted the correspondence from the Minister for Finance and Local Government.



10    Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting

The Committee agreed the motion.



11    Supplementary Legislative Consent Memoranda (Memorandum No. 3 and Memorandum No. 4) on the  Building Safety Bill - consideration of draft report

The Committee considered and agreed its report on the Supplementary Legislative Consent Memoranda (Memorandum No. 3 and Memorandum No. 4) on the  Building Safety Bill. The Committee noted its report would be laid by the required deadline.



12    Consideration of international agreements

The Committee considered the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to

Navigation, and the Agreement between the UK-France-Germany on the Construction and Operation of a Very High Neutron Flux Reactor and agreed to consider a draft report at its meeting on 21 March 2022.



13    Scrutiny session with the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution - consideration of evidence

The Committee considered the evidence received during its session with the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution and agreed to write to him to seek further information.





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